The Climb...

Journal Activity - November 10, 2024

This week in our Leadership Academy our students were reading and discussing the book “Chop Wood Carry Water” by Joshua Medcalf. If you want to invest in your growth, I encourage you to read this book. The sub title of the book is “How to Fall in Love with the Process of Becoming Great.” As I’ve been rereading the story myself, I’ve found myself dwelling on this idea of the PROCESS.

You’ve probably had coaches tell you to “Trust the PROCESS” or “You need to love the PROCESS.” That’s so hard when we live and compete in a results based world. How do you fall in love with the PROCESS of becoming great?

As I’ve been processing this thought myself this week, I keep find myself coming back to my own experiences in life. I’ve been blessed to coach state champion individuals and state championship teams. These people have experienced the RESULT they were pursuing. But when we get together and reminisce about those championships, we spend far more time talking about MOMENTS along the journey than we do the RESULT of the state championship. Some of those MOMENTS were fun - in the moment - and some of the MOMENTS we remember were not fun - they were hard, challenging - but we can look back now and see how important they were or, in some cases, laugh at our past self. The JOY of the RESULT is truly found in the MOMENTS of the PROCESS! The older I get, the more I appreciate MOMENTS. When the season ends for the sports that I coach, the MOMENTS are what I miss.

I’ve learned in my life the RESULTS don’t mean a thing if there aren't some MOMENTS attached to them! The RESULTS end up happening on one day, but the PROCESS happens over weeks, months, sometimes years! So much more time is spent in the PROCESS, so let’s fill it with MEMORY MAKING MOMENTS!

As I’ve been processing through this, I come across this on Twitter today which is worth the read.

an Excerpt from the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”

The joy is in the journey, the struggle is part of the joy and the final destination is not an end but another beginning of another journey.

-Kathy Boyd Fellure (Novelist, Photographer)


Whatever it is that you are chasing in your club, sport, or activity, how are you doing at falling in love with the process of being great?

Write about that.

What are the moments that stand out from YOUR process?

Write about those!

How can you create memories on the journey through the process of pursuing your goals?

Make a plan for that!