Hype Dial - Part 2

Journal Activity - February 16, 2025

NOTE: This journal activity is the 2nd of 3 that help athletes fully understand the HYPE DIAL and how to use it to their advantage. See below for a link to the 1st part and check back next week for the final part.

Now that you’ve reflected on where your HYPE DIAL needs to be set to provide you the opportunity to compete at your best, we need to reflect on the situations that you regularly face that tend to turn your HYPE DIAL up too high or down too low.

Based on conversations with student-athletes over the last decade, let me share with you some situations to help you kick-start your own reflection:

  • Level of Opponent - Better or Worse

  • Crowd - Hostile or Dead

  • Play of Teammates - Strong or Struggle

  • Weather (for outdoor sports) - Hot, Cold, Rainy, Windy

  • Officiating

  • Unforeseen Adversity - for yourself or team as a whole (injury, illness, etc.)

  • Opponent Talking Trash

  • Recent Performances in Competition and Practice - Strong or Weak


Identify 3 situations that tend to turn your HYPE DIAL up. How does each situation tend to impact you?

Identify 3 situations that tend to turn your HYPE DIAL down. How does each situation tend to impact you?

NOTE: You’ll refer back to these lists next week to game plan how you need to respond when you face each of these situations.