Head into the Storm

Journal Activity - October 27, 2024

Today’s journal activity is inspired by two conversations that I had this past week.

The first conversation was with a student in our Leadership Academy. She was asking for advice about how to deal with a situation involving her activity sponsor, the details don’t matter. I told her the best way to handle this situation was by initiating a conversation. She was very hesitant about this idea. When I asked why, her response was “Well, that will be awkward.” I asked if it was awkward now and her response was yes. So her decision now was between having one awkward conversation or dealing with awkwardness in every interaction with this person moving forward.

The second conversation was with an athlete I do some 1-on-1 mental training with who was preparing for the state cross country meet. She was worried about the physical discomfort that comes with racing. I asked if she deals with physical discomfort in every race and her response was yes. So, her decision now is to head into the discomfort and push for a fast time, thus getting to the other side of the discomfort faster, or race timid and experience the discomfort for longer.

While one situation was mental and one situation was physical, the truth was the same. The fastest way through what they were trying to avoid was to actually head straight into it!

Head into the Storm!

We must go head-first into the storm with eyes wide open, knowing that facing this obstacle straight-on with courage and fortitude will ultimately lessen the significance and effects.  We must continue to lean into our challenges, wade through the muck, run into the storm, fight and embrace the struggle.

-Bobby Pancake (Entrepreneur)


What is the storm - mental, emotional, or physical - that you need to head into in your life right now? What’s that thing you’ve been avoiding and because of that it is now actually impacting your life negatively far longer than it needs to?

Have the hard conversation!

Lean into the uncomfortable physical work!

Get the work done!

Do the hard thing!